Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Com Truise 'BrokenDate' from 10lb Pictures on Vimeo.

ayo sick dude. courtesy of EVAN wacked out 80's bladerunnah thing going on

which makes for the perfect transition because____________________>

been reading non-stop science fiction books for scifi literature class (best general education requirement evah)

My Professor is st8 crazy french dude who, no lie, has a masters degrees in

*marriage and family therapy
*french studies

and the dude has a PHD in French Literature

wtf? most edjamucated dude on the planet. Yet he is the most eccentric nutcase i have ever met. AND HE IS TEACHING ME SCIFI LIT? WTF did not know these ppl existed
peep the pic yo

I did the zoomin for ya, the rez is to low to see what he's got hanging round his neckz
prolly a shark tooth or sumwat

BUTYA i totally reading

Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronic
Arthur C Clarke - 2001 A Space Odyssey
George Orwell - 1984
Isaac Asimov - Foundation
Necromancer - William Gibson
lots of philip K Dick novel's

etc etc if ya want to nerd out

see ya internet traveler...