Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sheldon Brown Dont Know Jack

flip em upside down.
worked on bikes all day. now stu is 115 bucks richer.

this ROSS was dead. now revived


Sunday, November 14, 2010


people always say they do there best thinking on the toliet.

this is simply not true for me.

I always think in the shower. Perhaps this is why I am never clean?

Maybe all those Jon Thinkers pay water bill??

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Oh the juxtaposition of college life.

LastNITE: enjoyed PF CHANGS and the live sounds of noneother than NOSAJ THING

ThisNITE: enjoying macaronichee and hummus and crackers and the itunes version of NOSAJ.

Tommorow: Last DEEBATE tourny i ever have to be present for. /relief (resolution comes from last 2 months worth of DA ECONOMIST srlsy? so much stuff therehowztaht help me?)

ya dood. scottythabodyn adam. G-Rant. Carina. all there. sick.


sprettsick at like 5: there was huge bass, blew clothes of the few UCSD frat heads that snuck intoshow. (or the opposite? it attracted moar of them? ionno)also lots of slinky guys with leather jakets. beware of them and their designer drugs

srsly why is merch so much? oya cuz you cant DL it. lolz.

I was walking out to go PEE and NOSAJ was just chillin, feet on coffee table. I wanted to talk but settled for a head nod cuz he wasnt smiling. MOVEALONG

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I forgot how to blog

the giants won, that is cool. Starwars is also cool. Me and Carina have powered through 4/6 of em. watching them in the REEL ORDER. (AKA 4,5,6,1,2,3,)

I got a second job that popped into the slot that normally is reserved for me 1x a weak blog
so this blog is reallygonnasuck for a while