Saturday, July 24, 2010

i got em all finally. 5 remixs in color.
time to listen to them all in 1 sitting.
naturally i created a sort of electro-thrash-cyber-grind shrine.
which led to coffee and a state of musical catharsis/lethargy.

Friday, July 23, 2010

snowplanking is nutz

stokered out for hood-E
its going nutz up there

Session 3 Recap from High Cascade Snowboard Camp on Vimeo.

burtner, beresford and bott bevens. 4 BEES kill it.

true story. i was up at hood for sneak peak of cool story. i just didnt walk like 200 ft . but i caught it on the blog the day after? :( pen-ultm8 failblog moment of my life

turns out this year we missed to :';lamesauce:':

Spatziba At High Cascade Part 1 from Spatziba on Vimeo.

leftbrainrightbrain nobrain.ER i proly buy as soonas its available to the pooblic anyhoo. if its anything like vid(ubove)

JEEZ MFM WOULD DO THAT bitners a goober. he still rides?

seee ya internet travler


mk. what i have i been listening to laterly?
well, not live music. because teh block party is anti -21 agers. henceforth not being able to see truckasaurus or Cynic (thatd be round 2 mind u but i want shwetshirt). and i aint PAYING to see jackwhite. he is uglier than billy corgan wuz.

srsly voldermort status
<------ srsly?


dood i just got it. I AM ALWAYS SLOW when it comes to this. i chock it up to wrong place, wrong time kindve curse.

you know these guys right?>

so that lead to these guys

yaya drummers legit. anydoodwith fowhawk see tthat. guitar taps though?loopskilzz next level stuff. even though the vids old.

can you connect the musical invisible dotz here besides the WA TYES?

ya you can, these guys? you know that shirt that 1 hxc guy at every show has?

YA? well also do this number to.... srlsy

lookit all those band members and find the ones in common

BRAIN cooK to name one...

WA steppin it up

so click, spin, insert, play, unpause and whathaves.
you could even watch this?

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Friday, July 16, 2010

back in black

i am back in the usa!
internet is slow.
but the future is promising

Respect Your Elders Teaser from Resourceful Gnome on Vimeo.


OKAYY LIKE RLLY GOOD! so good i cant sleep good.

see ya internet traveler. will go back in time and post europe stuff now