rueber goober had the hook ups! IRANMAN, for free? at 4oclock? b4 midnight showingz? im there. grants there.
sneaky onto coronado military base. gottta retreeve a day pass. grants car not registered. almost didnt get in. our longish hair gaveit way.
this people are bizarr. the line wrapped around a building. but guess what? they all really good at standing in line.. and wearing their hair all the samezees
these guys were talking about how much cocaine they "confiscated"
dunt worry, i had disguise. remember this can? I couldnt finish it without tweeking so i put in fridge, but it returned as the ultimate disguise-ment *editersnote*check those cargo shorts. srsly they think those are comfortable and styleish

Movie theater sat like 5 platoons.

Also did this flag salute thing were they showed propaganda and(whilst we stood and looked at flag) them like bombing the daylights out of water? like wtf? i know you dont bomb water in real life.
ps. also scary when your watching a movie with hitech grenade launchers, and the guy infront instead of just having a big shaved head, leans over to his wife and is like "we have those!"
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