Anyhoo. Figured out curtesy oh boca that EARTHDAY 2010akahippiefest
going down in Balboa (see prior bloggggg cuz i was just thur)
We biked there. got sunburned. heard live musik. the yuege mayne.
TURLOCjosh Got Tree INK (WOAH unseen sunburn disaster ahead?perhapsstaytuned)
Hardtosee but miniture AZN sun umbrellahs are sooooo in.

(insert granola/peace head joke hur)

(insert granola/peace head joke hur)
ELOHELZ MKAY like this row had all the weird booths. gayhate booths (witnessed unedjamacated meathead try to defend gays. old str8 grandma wasnt having it. stoodup and started waving phamlets everywhere saying "biologically speakin manz n woomanz" lunk was loik "wut?" MIDIKATING FACTOR**dudebroLunk was like hischool aged.
**coped curtesy of the Duke(rough bro.but stoked cuz what good shrink is goonna say stop doing what makes you saneAKAMASBLOGZ SON!**

YUP dismembered babies whole9yrds

mk says fage yogurt. Not bueno but me and TURLOCjosh lived off free samples alldays
YUP dismembered babies whole9yrds
mk says fage yogurt. Not bueno but me and TURLOCjosh lived off free samples alldays




NERVOUSAGRIVATEDHIPPIETHUGS IN-CZECH- edit.typical socal. awcommon tweebersqueeeber almost legalz here anyhoo shpeal

this poorman was in a drummin circle till he misplaced drum on lawn(aproximategrassheight1.5in)(drum dimensionsTALLERTHANGRASSBRAH)

WORMSUIT crazed**
NERVOUSAGRIVATEDHIPPIETHUGS IN-CZECH- edit.typical socal. awcommon tweebersqueeeber almost legalz here anyhoo shpeal
this poorman was in a drummin circle till he misplaced drum on lawn(aproximategrassheight1.5in)(drum dimensionsTALLERTHANGRASSBRAH)
WORMSUIT crazed**
Untitled from brad hernandez on Vimeo.
Untitled from brad hernandez on Vimeo.
*Cochelluh update*G-RANT back early. Goodtimez were had. got threwup on by THAT dorrito/redbull GUY. retrieved programforthoust. excellent future reading materialz. only regret was that he atttended with UN-hipsters that went for JHAYZEEE over unmentionablez. Crimally Insane. PSPS had to leave early aswell. caught unawearz by traffic. HABSOLUTELY** nothing worse HIPSTERTRAFFICJIZZAMZ.
**God rest the Spectres soul

**God rest the Spectres soul

get it?
see ya internet travler.....
see ya internet travler.....
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