Wednesday, May 30, 2012

new job

dude new job is taking for_ever
they need to do test on me. like health type tests. except it takes time to schedule that is

Holy Shit

While i was writing this mad_blog poast
(walked in room. lights off. figured id flip em on.)

quick light czech reveals Roomate ColoradoJEFFE in bed. Asleep.

(flip lights back off, walk to my section and begin blog)

later i hear girls voice from Jeffes bed? wtf. girlfriend back in town from Rwanda?


mad room evac. cept not. There like "whos there"?
"Friggin Me, Mayne" V-----? Is that You? "..."yES?.?"
"Is that a like "A, are you still here call?", "cuz Im still here"
Ionno they both seemed pretty passed out to not make it weird but still...

they claiming jet-lag and passed out... ionnno man

sick,... im Poastin Live Roomie_Drama right now... get in on this


Yo this new job wants me to take all these tests and already went in once or twice but clinic dudes forget to administer Tb test. So boom, im set waiting for memorial day weekend to creep by so they can give me the test Tuesday and Check Results on Thursday. Sheesh , now im on medical hold until I get Neg. Zero score on TUhbURkUlosis So creepin at snails pace. Which means im losing my mind to tons of coffee, doing copious amounts of laundry and riding bikes (AKA getting mad sunburned like an idyoit and listening to wreckords.

Wreckords Yo

Theres Hammers on here. Some Average /Tah Middleton between song banter (thats what you get live wrekords for right?, except if its that flippin Yes record....nerdrock)
moar goodstuff. ship ahoy ship ahoy shipahoy. best buhleed dat

Veedeoh proof.

dUDES, get on goodreads its awesome, get on discogs
awesome places to catelog your life away if your into it. which I_Fully_AM. moreso with coffee.
speaking of which, get your coffee here twiduhDAT  and getsome great coffee.
Mandatory Linkage Over and Out
see ya internet traveler

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mountain Biking. I drove to Tecolote Canyon. Had to park in front of Little Ceasars. The little bike shop there undid the cones on the front wheel of by BMX bike cuz i didnt have the massive cone wrench it required. (in the process breaking the ridge a cone) Which makes this 20$ bike one step closer to being complete

 all it needs is new front wheel cones, bearings and grease and throw a chain on it. should be good to go after that.

Back2 MtnBiking.

I did it. Tecolote Canyon isnt really a good mtnbiking spot. but it hit the spot. Its right down the hill for SDSu so i think some kids  made a trail with some banks and stuff. kinda tight for just a couple of hours. Boom Got little ceasars for 5 bucks and went home. el fin.

LA. - I hate LA. before I eat I pray to God "Dear Lord, may we never be as bitter and jaded as the people who live in Los Angeles, California" that is my go to prayer. Like how some people throw up hallelujahs and watnot.

But I had to go, because the new Wes Anderson flick was playing there.  LA people in the movie theater was an experience. Dude spilled his popcorn, got into an intellectual conversation with his neighbor about how he "had a friend in the movie business", that eventually led to the total cost of popcorn per bag for the theater being 5cent yadayada, absolutely blew my mind. Group of dudes walked by and one inna collared shirt accidentally kicked by bag of vinyl and threw both hands up in the air and looked at me and said "omg my bad dude, im so sorry" and just kept walking, his homie behind him said " wow, why dont you pick up his bag?" and the other dude was like "oh, i didnt know what to do, i dont know what to do with that stuff, (points at vinly)"
WTF? how? i dont ? speechless. what was confusing in that scenario? your shuffling down a line of movie theater seats? is that foreign to you? is it the politeness factor that you just broke? the vinyl? your "homie" reaming you in public? maybe he was just geeked for the movie.. i was prettty geeked dude. overall, ppl in LA live another planet

Moonrise Kingdom - Overall, good flick. big suprise. rotten tomatoes doesnt lie. Beautiful scenery, blah blah blah. another classic film. banger soundtrack still. even though the devo dude has a lesser part (i think)

watch it. Bill Murray rules.Edward Norton is good. Bruce Willis is weird. No Owen Brothers though. Which i think overall, detracted from the fun youth aspect of the film. No drug fueled hijinks this time


Thats Powerslave in the top left corner. Sick. All here for 20 bucks at amoeba in Hollywood.
Not to bad, considering i was buying records in California Hollywood. Were God_rECORD_Collectors spend their time. Its all shit ur supposed to have in your collection in anyways. The BlacK-Merda is a re-issue, cuz i figured id never find the real deal anyways. Also, some weird subconcious space theme going on. they all bout leaving on spaceships almost. weird.

see ya internet traveler

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Staging a comeback


talking to myself in the shower. tyme to start bloggin again

wow. college cramped by style (or buildt it up) who knows. srsly warped by brain thou

some of my best thoughts come during shower time. thats how half my undergrad papers/speeches started. like this one. PS. THE DATES OFF. I WAS ELEVEN IN 2001

started off blogg-strong bout fresh/sophmore year. life was good. broke down pretty heavy later though. college gets hard. life picks up. things get to you. no time /habit frame = lack of blogging. Some friends get really good at it though. so whatevs. hats off to EvAn, Some dudes even pick it up. bigups


fully committed to the vinyl. Radio Station is up and crusin and the pressure is on to build sets and acquire. I dig. I dig this so immensely.

before it was like "oh do i need this, im frugal" "is this my band", "is the album meant to to flyped once in the middle, and not electronically skipped and jumped around"? "is this thematic or ambient"? NOW ITS JUST LIKE dude, lets get the sickest set together and bring thanoize. no limits. high stakes. talmbout the musicz. awesome.

KILLZ IT Nautiliz gets me everytime.


I bought one. its sick. lotsa room for bikes and stuff

sick. ITSA 96! F. I CANFINNALY SAY IT! ITS A 96! dropping levuulles 4real

god remember those days? i do. 

and ya thats a BMX bike already in the bike. waiting to be put together for the first BMX experience ever. SICsummer project.

see ya internet traveler