Welcome to the June Edition of WhatIshIsDope
Not DopeIsh-
Weirdo Art. on the walls. In this house. Why? Ionno. I have determined I hate weirdo art because it is I am not in a life-position to be uncomfortable and deep and hip. Im just trying to work and pay off loans and feed myself. Let me be cool on my own damn time. While Im digging in record crates or something, not when I freaking reaching into the fridge to pour myself almond milk. (Also, not on drugs, not an art major, not teenager, ) so i don't fulfill any of the low-hanging requirements to appreciate art)
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2 (ya this ish counts)
This T-shirt I made for the internet radio station, that nobody listens too. Got this made to wear at a ArtMag release show. The idea was to wear it, schmooze, and eventually end up in the Magazine via our schmoozing. Its in the works yo, I swear. Listen To BirdRock Radio
Were still working on a real website but all you need is there. TrustItBruth.

Coffee and Tea Collective. These dudes were @ the art show. Doing Pourovers and whatnot. Hit It up. Dope-Ish. Just put some in a frenchpressysinglecupper. TrustIT.
Volunteer for giant green sustainability conference. Zero Waste policy for entire 2000 person confrence? tight. Getting in for free to a party with a 2k admission ticket price tag? tight. Sorting trash for the whole thing? tight. Setup? Tight

Billions of waste streams (2012 language for trashcans)

Playing Booze-Pirates with the unguarded Gift Bags? Amazing 5 bokkles.

Stealing Ish to Put Wrekcords In.* Edit* Fah. Bob on the front of the stack????Lookin Like Idyot for surez now***** (also, maybe stealing wrekcords in generally? juries still out on that one)

Not Dope-
Roommates freaking MountainOJunk. What gives dood. just put ish away
Not DopeIsh
Roomate BBQ (Complete with outdoor sofa and BEERtub) That takes 32 hours to clean up in the driveway? Dumb.

New reading material.

Not DopeIsh-
Why? Cuz my Wreckord player which was on loan (whole nuther bloginnaself)
Got legz and left.
So I gotta wait until paycheck from new job to get a new playur.
AKA: If I DOnt Get Wrekcords for While, neither do you, faithful reader(s) *hi-mom*
Sip on This
New JObby jOB sTARTS Tommorow 7:00am. Time to make it big time. sicwidit.
see ya internet traveler....