Com Truise 'BrokenDate' from 10lb Pictures on Vimeo.
ayo sick dude. courtesy of
EVAN wacked out 80's bladerunnah thing going on
which makes for the perfect transition because____________________>
been reading non-stop science fiction books for scifi literature class (best general education requirement evah)
My Professor is st8 crazy french dude who, no lie, has a
masters degrees in
*marriage and family therapy
*french studies
and the dude has a
PHD in French Literature
wtf? most edjamucated dude on the planet. Yet he is the most eccentric nutcase i have ever met. AND HE IS TEACHING ME SCIFI LIT? WTF did not know these ppl existed
peep the pic yo

I did the zoomin for ya, the rez is to low to see what he's got hanging round his neckz
prolly a shark tooth or sumwat
BUTYA i totally reading
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronic
Arthur C Clarke - 2001 A Space Odyssey
George Orwell - 1984
Isaac Asimov - Foundation
Necromancer - William Gibson
lots of philip K Dick novel's
etc etc if ya want to nerd out
see ya internet traveler...