right off the bat, you cram into this ferry (most unlike WA style ones) this truck nearly backed over 40 people. ya, goober tourists and cars load on same level (nutz) and ya they back the vehicles in (nutz pt 2)
this was a 9 hour boat ride. i call it pirate style cuz there was no seating persay. we bought "economy class" tickets. which ment they were cheap and you just laid out/crouched wherever you could on the deck.
bah. since i live in teh future i know teh germans lost the cup. Zwhinzinger totally let these nautical partakers down.
Blue Water.
2 story youthhostel. poolczech enetz-CZECH cantina-CZECH 40yearoldtanwhiteguywithbeergut who owns Hosstel thats from Texas and just never left the island after an "extended vacation" -CZECH
Scottythabody get his hipster shuffle on.
*true story* Scott kept handing the DJ at the Tiki Orange Sofa Jimmy Buffet-Lookalike Hangout Night Beach Club (who was playing like Rihanna and Kesha all night) little slips of white paper that said "PLAY "WATERS OF NAZARETH" BY JUSTICE" needless to say the island going greekers were NHOT up to speed.
we all like each other in this photo

we drove up this mountain and lo and behold so did andy and scott

there was much debate on whether on not to use the non-existant restroom at this location
A-"dude, this is as good as its going to get, look at that view"
S-"Ya, but there huge spiders down there"
Leaves were plucked, restroom was used, names were witheld see that guy down there stealing my anglez? we drove up this mountain and lo and behold so did andy and scott
there was much debate on whether on not to use the non-existant restroom at this location
A-"dude, this is as good as its going to get, look at that view"
S-"Ya, but there huge spiders down there"
professional killahs
seeya internet traveler